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The University of Liverpool Yi Huang教授学术报告

发布时间:2018-09-16 来源:理学院行政办 2381

题目:Liquid and 5G antennas for wireless communications

报告人:Yi Huang教授






    Antennas are essential elements of radio/wireless systems. They are normally made of metal in order to achieve high radiation efficiency.

Unlike metal antennas, liquid antennas are a new type of antenna which has some unique features and gained a lot attention recently. The University of Liverpool has been working in this area for many years. In this talk, the advantages, disadvantages and challenges of using such a liquid antenna for real work applications will be discussed at the beginning, and then the latest development on the liquid material and the liquid antenna designs will be reported. A new concept of using gravity on making liquid antennas for beam-stirring and GPS applications will be presented at the end of this part.

The second part of this talk will be about some of the latest 5G antennas developed in Liverpool in collaboration with industry (such as Huawei). The ideas behind these antennas and the simulated and measured results will be presented.


    Prof Yi Huang has published over 350 refereed papers in leading international journals and conference proceedings, and authored Antennas: from Theory to Practice (John Wiley, 2008) and Reverberation Chambers: Theory and Applications to EMC and Antenna Measurements (John Wiley, 2016). He has received many research grants from research councils, government agencies, charity, EU and industry, acted as a consultant to various companies, and served on a number of national and international technical committees and been an Editor, Associate Editor or Guest Editor of four of international journals. He has been a keynote/invited speaker and organiser of many conferences and workshops (e.g. WiCom 2006, 2010, IEEE iWAT2010, LAPC2012, and UCMMT2017, EuCAP 2018). He is at present the Editor-in-Chief of Wireless Engineering and Technology, Associate Editor of IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, UK and Ireland Rep to European Association of Antenna and Propagation (EurAAP) and a Fellow of IET.