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2010.01-2013.01:厦门大学物理系讲师。主要研究低维热电材料的热电输运性质;采用分子动力学模拟方法研究纳米材料的热导;以及过渡金属氧化物表面的弛豫、重构、稳定性和电子结构等微观机理的研究计算,探索低维材料不同于其块体材料的独特性能,为设计、合成新型分子器件提供理论依据。在此期间主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目一项:“过渡金属氧化物表面和界面的电子结构及微观机理研究”, 26万,2012.1-2014.12(代码:11104231)。

2008.01-2010.01(博士后期间): 采用第一性原理方法对燃料电池等电化学系统的Stark振动效应进行理论研究和计算。从理论上计算CO分子在Pt表面上不同的吸附位置,其振动频率随外电场变化的情况,进而分析CO的具体位置,为实验研究提供参考。





[2]主持武汉理工大学自主创新基金:“磁性材料表面的电子结构及磁性机理研究”,5万,2014.1-2015.12 (项目编号:143114003



[4]主持武汉理工大学自主创新基金重点项目:“半导体薄膜材料在外电场调控下的物性变化和微观机理研究”,20万,2017.1-2018.10 (项目编号:171114006

[5]参与国家自然科学基金面上项目: “高指数晶面铂族单金属/双金属纳米粒子的结构稳定性 

  与热稳定性研究” ,第二负责人,80万,2013.1-2016.12 (项目代码: 51271156)

[6]参与国家“973”计划课题 “新型分子与受限小量子体系物性调控的理论研究”(项目代码: 2006CB921605)

[7]参与国家自然科学基金: “分子磁性材料的磁性机理及相变性质的研究” , 2006-01-01 2008-12-31 (项目代码: 10574048)

[8]参与国家自然科学基金: “磁性/发光双功能纳米材料的制备、性能及对Alzheimer 病早期诊断的研究”, 2006-01-01  2008-12-31 (项目代码: 10574047)

[9]参与国家自然科学基金: “梯子和菱形结构的有机磁的机理及界面性质研究” , 2008-01-01  2010-12-31 (项目代码: 10774051)







[1] Y.L.Li and I.Dabo, “Electronic levels and electrical response of periodic molecular structures from plane-wave orbital-dependent calculations”, Phys. Rev. B, 84, 155127 (2011).

[2].Y.L.Li, K.L.Yao, Q.H.Lu, Z.L.Liu,D.Xi, X.P.Luo, Q.Ning, “Atomic, electronic and magnetic structure of the Au(100)/Fe3O4(100)interfaceDensity functional theory study”, Phys. Rev. B, 75, 165314 (2007).

[3].Y.L.Li, K.L.Yao, Z.L.Liu and G.Y. Gao, “First-principles study of the composition, structure, and stability of the FeO (111) surface”, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 155446 (2005).

[4] Yan-Li Li, Dian-Na Zhang, Shao-Bo Qu, Ming Yang and Yuan-Ping Feng, “The effect of oxygen vacancies on the electronic structures, magnetic properties and the stabitily of SrTiO3(001) surface”, Surface Science, 641, 37-50 (2015).

[5]. Y.L.Li, “First-principles study on the stability and the electronic structure of low-index CdTe/CdSe interfaces”, Solid State Communications. 155, 73 (2013).

[6] Y.L.Li, Z.Fan and J.C.Zheng, “Enhanced thermoelectric performance in graphitic ZnO (0001) nanofilms ”, J.Appl.Phys. 113, 083705 (2013).

[7].Y.L.Li,  K.L.Yao and Z.L.Liu, “First-principles study on the electronic structure and magnetic properties of metallic antiferromagnet C7H3S2N2”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 312, L1-L4(2007).

[8].Y.L.Li, K.L.Yao and Z.L.Liu, “Structure, stability and magnetic properties of the Fe3O4(110)  surface: density functional theory study”, Surface Science, 601, 876-882 (2007).

[9].Y.L.Li, K.L.Yao and Z.L.Liu, “Spin distribution and electronic structure of the ferromagnetic half-metal [Mn(bipy)(N3)2]: ab initio study”, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 395, 28-32(2007).

[10] Y.L.Li and D.N.Zhang, “First-principles study on the magnetic, half-metal and thermoelectric transport properties of inorganic-organic hybrid compounds [C4N2H12][FeII4(HPO3)2(C2O4)3]”, Commun. Theor. Phys. 60, 233-239 (2013).

[11] Tai-Gang Liu, Wen-Qing Zhang , Yan-Li Li*, “First-principles study on the structure, electronic and magnetic properties of HoSin (= 1–12, 20) clusters”, Front. Phys. 9(2), 210-218 (2014).

[12] Dan-Na Zhang, Li Zhao, Jia-Fu Wang, Yan-Li Li*,Electronic structures and the stabitily of MgO surface: density-functional study”, Surface Review and Letters, 22(2), 1550037 (2015).

      [13]Jia-Ning Li, San-Lue Hu, Hao-Yu Dong, Xiao-Ying Xu, Jia-Fu Wang, Ang Li, Qing-Guo 

Wang and Yan-Li Li,*, “The tuning effect of the electric field on the physical properties of

 some typical wurtzite semiconductors”, Mod.Phys.Lett.B

[14]. C.P.Chen, J.P. Wu and Y.L.Li“The Calculated Magnetic and Optical Properties of (Mn,N) Co-doped ZnS”, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 88(7), 1215 (2014).

[15].I.Dabo, A.Ferretti, C-H.Park, N.Poilvert, Y.L.Li, M.Cococcioni, and N.Marzari, “Donor and acceptor levels of organic photovoltaic compounds from first principles”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 685 (2013).

[16].K.L.Yao, Y.L.Li and Z.L.Liu“First-principles study on the electronic structure and the ferromagnetic properties of the organic-inorganic hybrid compound Cr[(H3N-(CH2)2-PO3)(Cl)(H2O)]” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Volume: 301, 112-117 (2006).

[17].K.L.Yao, Y.L.Li, Z.L.Liu and S.H.Qu, “The electronic structure and the ferromagnetic properties of Fe[CH3PO3].H2O”, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter Volume: 369,123-128 (2005).

[18].I.Dabo, É.Cances, Y.L.Li, and N.Marzari, “First-principles simulation of electrochemical systems at fixed applied voltage: vibrational stark effect for CO on platinum electrodes”, (submitted to PRL) .

[19].I.Dabo, Y.L.LiN.Bonnet and N.Marzari,“Ab initio electrochemical properties of   electrode surfaces”, Fuel Cell Science: Theory, Fundamentals, and Biocatalysis, Wiley, 2010.(著作)

[20].I.Dabo, A.Ferretti, N.Poilvert, Y.L.Li, N.Marzari and M.Cococcioni, “Koopmans’ condition for density-functional theory”, Phys. Rev. B 82, 115121 (2010).

[21] I.Dabo, É.Cances, Y.L.Li, and N.Marzari, “First-principles electrochemistry”, (conference paper)-14th international workshop on computational physics and materials science: total energy and force methods, 8-10 January 2009, Trieste, Italy.(会议)

[22].Yao K.L., Gao G.Y., Liu Z.L., Zhu, L., and Y.L.Li., “Half-metallic ferromagnetic semiconductors of V- and Cr-doped CdTe studied from first-principles pseudopotential calculations”, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter Volume: 366, Issue: 1-4, September 1, pp. 62-66, (2005).

[23].G.Y. Gao, K. L. Yao, Z.L. Liu, Y.L.Li, Y.C. Li, Q.M. Liu, “Ab initio pseudopotential studies of the pressure dependences of structural, electronic and optical properties for GaN”, Solid State Communications, 138, 494, (2006).

[24].G.Y.Gao, K.L.Yao, Z.L.Liu, and Y.L.Li, “Half-metallic ferromagnetism of Cr-doped rutile TiO2: A first-principles pseudopotential study”, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 382, 14,(2006).

[25].K.L.Yao, X.L.Li, Z.L.Liu, Y.L.Li, and G.Y.Gao, “First-principles study on the metallic antiferromagnet Co[PhPO3] .H2O”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials312, 16-20 (2007).

[26].K.L.Yao, N. Liu, Z.L. Liu, Y.L.Li, and G.Y. Gao“First-principles studies on the conductive and ferromagnetic properties of [Mn(ins)(μ1,1-N3)(CH3OH)]2”, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 392, 318-322(2007).

[27].K.L.Yao, S.W. Fan, Z.L. Liu, and Y.L.Li, “First-principle study on the electronic structure and ferromagnetic properties of a three-dimensional coordination polymer: Cu(HCO2)2L (L=4,4′-bipyridine)”, Physica B: Condensed Matter,395,84-87(2007).

[28].K.L.Yao, J. Zhang, Z.L. Liu, G.Y. Gao, X.C.Wang, and Y.L.Li, “First principles study on the electronic structure of the organic conductors (EDT-TSF)2MCl4 (M=Ga and Fe)”, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 398, 40 (2007).

[29].C.Chen, J.Xie, S.Chen, and Y.L.Li, “First principles calculations of electronic and optical properties of Zr-doped La2O3”, Can.J.Phys. 91, 801 (2013).

[30] Y.L.Li, “The relative stability and the electronic structures of Au(111)/NiO(111) interface: density functional theory study”,2012中国秋季物理年会,中山大学,广州,2012.9。







本科生自主创新项目纤锌矿结构半导体薄膜在外电场调控下的几何结构变化及相关机理分析”, 批准号:166814011,(李嘉宁,董皓宇)指导教师。