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张波, 湖北省※※学者特聘教授, 博士生导师。2009年毕业于德国波茨坦大学获物理学博士。2009-2011 信后在新加坡南洋理工大学数理学院, 新加坡国立大学量子计算中心工作2011.10至今, 武汉理工大学物理系工作。


1.原子芯片: 研究中性原子与传统原子芯片/超导原子芯片近场处电磁热噪声的耦合,以及由此引起的中性原子的丢失(捕获寿命)和退相干。运用中性原子与超导原子芯片中的涡旋相互作用的半经典理论来研究超导原子芯片在剩磁态下对中性原子的操纵。相关研究结果发表在Phys. Rev. AEur. Phys. J. D;  J. Appl. hys.国际知名学术期刊上,其中一篇Phys. Rev. A其设置为高亮




1.        Zilong Liu, Yaxin Liu, Yu Tang, Nao Zhang, Feipeng Wu, Bo Zhang*, Fabrication and application of a non-contact double-tapered optical fiber tweezers. Optics Express. 2017, 25(19): 22480-22489. JCR1区)

2.        Feipeng Wu, Bo Zhang*, Zilong Liu, Yu Tang, Nao Zhang, Optical trapping forces of a focused azimuthally polarized Bessel-Gaussian beam on a double-layered sphere. Optics Communications. 2017, 405: 96-100

3.        Bo Zhang#*, Jinxiang Luo, Zilong Liu, Feipeng Wu, Calculation of the radiation forces on a microsphere in the evanescent field of an optical nanofiber by ray tracing. Applied Optics. 2016, 55(6): 1490-1493.

4.        Tang, S. J.; Zhang, B.; Li, Z.; Dai, J. X.; Wang, G. P.; Yang, M. H Self-compensated microstructure fiber optic sensor to detect high hydrogen concentration, Optics Express.20152317):22826-22835

5.        Huang, C. J.; Xie, W. J.; Yang, M. H. ; Dai, J. X.; Zhang, B. Optical Fiber Fabry-Perot Humidity Sensor Based on Porous Al2O3 Film,  IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2015.10.15, 27(20): 2127~2130

6.        Wang, G. P.; Yang, M. H. ; Dai, J. X.; Xiang, F.; Zhang, B. Improved Sensing Performance of Fiber-Optic Hydrogen Sensors Based on Actively Optical Heating , Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, 2016.

7.        B. Zhang, M. Siercke, K.Chan, M. Beian, M. J. Lim, and R. Dumke,  “Magnetic confinement of neutral atoms based on patterned vortex distributions in superconducting disks and rings”,  Phys. Rev. A. 85, 013404, 2012

8.        M. Siercke, K.S. Chan, B. Zhang, M. Beian, M.J. Lim and R. DumkeReconfigurable self-sufficient traps for ultracold atoms based on a superconducting square”,  Phys. Rev. A.  85, 041403, 2012

9.        B. Zhang, R. Fermani, T. Müller, M. J. Lim, and R. Dumke, “Design of magnetic traps for neutral atom with vortices in a type -II superconducting atom chip”,  Phys. Rev. A. 81, 063408, 2010, highlighted

10.    T. Müller, B. Zhang, R. Fermani, M. J. Lim, and R. Dumke, “Programmable trap geometries with superconducting atom chips”, Phys. Rev. A. 81, 053624, 2010

11.    R. Fermani, T. Müller, B. Zhang, M. J. Lim, and R. Dumke, “Heating rate and spin flip lifetime due to near field noise in superconducting atom chips”,  J. Phys. B.  43, 095002, 2010.

12.    T. Müller, B. Zhang, R. Fermani, K. S. Chan, Z. W. Wang, M. J. Lim, and R. Dumke, “Trapping of ultra-cold atoms with the magnetic field of vortices in a thin film superconducting micro-structure”,  J. New. Phys. 12, 043016, 2010

13.    V. Dikovsky, V. Sokolovsky, B. Zhang, C. Henkel and R. Folman. “Superconducting atom chips: advantages and challenges”. Eur. Phys. J. D,  51, 247, 2009

14.    B. Zhang and C. Henkel. “Magnetic noise around metallic microstructures”. J. Appl. Phys. 102, 084907, 2007.

15.    B. Zhang, C. Henkel, E. Haller, S. Wildermuth, S. Hofferberth, P. Krueger and

 J. Schmiedmayer.  “Relevance of sub-surface chip layers for the lifetime of mag- netically trapped atoms”. Eur. Phys. J. D, 35(97), 2005.

