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柏林工业大学James A Lott教授报告会

发布时间:2016-11-04 来源: 3796

柏林工业大学 James A. Lott 教授学术报告

主题:Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers for data communications and sensing



主讲人:柏林工业大学 James A. Lott 教授、博导

Abstract: Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) are a key enabling nanophotonics technology for several different applications including communications for data centers, supercomputing, illumination for laser detection and ranging, and sensing systems for gesture recognition and chemical analysis. I review the fundamental physics of VCSELs and present an overview of energy-efficient, gallium-arsenide-based VCSELs for short-reach and very-short-reach optical interconnects. I further discuss the future of VCSELs and our novel designs and recent results on the development of reduced-dimension-VCSELs envisioned for on-chip integration with silicon electronic and photonic systems.






Lott教授曾就职于美国Sandia国家实验室、1993-2006 在美国空军技术学院 (AIR FORCE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, AFIT)任电子工程系教授、系主任, 1995年和1996年分别在在日本NEC OPTO-ELECTRONICS 研究和Samsung电子公司做访问科学家,2006-2007 INTEL公司材料实验室任主任工程师,2007-2012 在德国VI Systems GmbH公司任Chief Technology Officer (CTO)。是IEEE Photonics Technology Letters、Journal of Quantum Electronics和IET Electronics Letters等的特邀审稿人。Lott教授参与主编出版了2本专著,拥有5项专利,在国际会议和交流中做200余次特邀报告和讲座, 发表84科研论文,被引3067次。研究领域集中于高效集成VCSEL器件。